A day in the life of a aboriginal


This is the photo I am working on.

I See

Aboriginal holding a spear 

Emu’s eating 


2 aboriginals 

2 emu’s 


Blue sky

I Think

Aboriginals are hunting for food.


What will happen next?

Will the aboriginal kill the innocent emu?

How long have the aboriginals been hunting for?

How long have the aboriginals been in the bushes for?

Library Reflection Term 1

Hi Followers 

I like to read Adventure, war, peoples stories and what happened when they were in a natural disaster and comedy. I like to read Adventure because it tells you about what people would do when people are away from home or looking for other people. I like to read about war because you find out what happens to the people in war, how they survive and how they live. I like to read peoples stories and what happened when they were in a natural disaster because you learn what happens and it is real. I like to read about comedy because it is funny to read and it makes you feel happy.

For Adventure I recommend the book Finding Serendipity because it is about a girl going on an adventure to find her Mum. For war I recommend the book The War That Saved My Life because it is about a girl and her brother that ran away from their mean Mum and there is also a war coming. For peoples stories and what happened when they were in a natural disaster I recommend the book 47 Degrees because it is about a girl and her dad and there is a big bush fire and if the wind changes the bush fire will heading to their house. For comedy I recommend the book Treehouse Joke Book because it is about jokes to make you laugh.

The book chat I am reading right now is called Finding Serendipity it is about a girl that goes on an adventure to find her Mum. My thoughts on the book is what will happen next, where is her Mum and what will happen to the girl and her Mum.



Hi Followers 

A few weeks ago it was the CBCA book awards. We have been reading information books from the short list. At the end when we read all the six books we voted on which one was the best of the books. We had read of Make Believe, Waves, Sorry Day, Bouncing Back, Happiness Box and Our Birds. We used a criteria. A good non fiction book should include detailed pictures and information. The layout needs to be clear. 

I voted for Make Believe by Kate Ryan and MC Escher because it had interesting pictures and interesting details, for example the optical illusions. It had a lot of good details. It was very nice to  look at and it was not a boring book.

Did you like the CBCA book awards and why or why not?

My Science Experiment

My Science Experiment 

Yesterday we conducted an experiment called Leak, Soak or Repel.

We are seeing if the fabric would Soak, Leak or Repel we are doing this Experiment because we are helping the Salvation Army.

I was fascinated by how the wool Repel the water.

I was surprised that the Neoprene soaked the water up and Repel.

Bye Niki

My Fluency Goal

During class time, we were asked to set ourselves a reading fluency goal.

My fluency goal is…

To ensure I understand what I m reading. I will make sure that I correct myself if i make a mistake and don’t just keep going.

Here is a video of me reading.

Do you think I achieved my fluency goal? Do you have a fluency goal that you are working towards?

<iframe width=640 height=360 src=’https://careylink.sharepoint.com/portals/hub/_layouts/15/VideoEmbedHost.aspx?chId=44faa7c3%2Dfaca%2D4a65%2Daa93%2Dff92e16d1e95&amp;vId=5a4a77c5%2Dc1bf%2D42d3%2D89d9%2Dc14da09af025&amp;width=640&amp;height=360&amp;autoPlay=false&amp;showInfo=true‘ allowfullscreen></iframe>

Choose Your Own Adventure

Choose your own adventure Creepy Crawly Chaos

The pathway is 

Play with the guinea pigs go to page 118.

You end up staying for four hours because the guinea pigs are so cute. You want to live with them. You also want to keep them as your own pet. You wish you could just steal them, but you can’t.

If you choose to steal them then, say you found them lost on the street, go to page 130.

But if you choose to just leave them on the street and they get lonely,  go to page 140.

Term 1 reflection

What I am good at…

I think I am good at my Maths because I have been practising a lot. Maths is one my favourite subject. I also like handwriting because you get to learn to write more nicer and because you get to write cursive handwriting. Handwriting is OK for me.

Something I can work on…

Maybe my sizzling start because I am not to good at my sizzling start and putting up my hand more because I don’t really put my hand up a lot.

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